Prawo Zamówień Publicznych no. 3/2015 Contractual penalty in public procurement Rafał Adamus Buying Social in the new Public Procurement Law Vittoria Berlingo Cost criteria for granting public procurement works contracts Andrzej Borowicz Effective verification of potential declared by third parties supporting the contractors applying for public contracts Włodzimierz Dzierżanowski Liability for damages in public procurement – de lege ferenda Andrzela Gawrońska-Baran Legal basis for allowable termination of the contractual relationship between the contracting entity and the contractor under a public contract Zdzisław Gordon Improvements in negotiated procedures according to new EU directives Magdalena Grabarczyk Conditions of tendering for the award of a public contract under the procedure of initial qualification of contractors Krzysztof Horubski Proceedings for the conclusion of a concession agreement in the light of the new directive Michał Kania Rationalization of requirements concerning organizational and professional capabilities of contractors applying for the award of public contracts Tadeusz Kocowski The conditions of liability for defects of construction works in public procurement Jolanta Loranc-Borkowska Legal nature of judgments of the National Board of Appeal resolving pre-contractual disputes in public procurement Joanna May Defective tender evaluation criteria as a tort involving liability for the breach of public finance discipline Wiesława Miemiec Preventing bid-rigging behavior in public procurement Ambroży Mituś Polskie prawo budowlane, diagnoza stanu – konieczne zmiany Zygmunt Niewiadomski Electronic tools facilitating public procurement procedures – new suggestions Beata Nuzzo Barriers to the development of public-private partnerships in Poland – an attempt at analysis Andrzej Panasiuk Contracting social services according to new European solutions Aldona Piotrowska Legal status of the Public Procurement Office in the context of past experience and current expectations Andrzej Powałowski Innovation partnership Justyna Pożarowska Professional deontology in public procurement Piotr Rączka Transparency and morality in public procurements Anna Romeo Control functions of public procurement annual reports Wacława Starzyńska Legal status of the restructured National Board of Appeal Małgorzata Stręciwilk The course of the tendering process against the background of the EU public procurement law Ryszard Szostak Improvements relating to framework agreements in public procurement Grzegorz Wicik The need for continued professionalization and stabilization of public procurement staff Mateusz Winiarz Choosing the optimum form of a public-private partnership Magdalena Załęczna Challenging the infractions of the managing authorities or intermediate bodies by the beneficiaries of EU funding Monika Ziółkowska