Prawo Zamówień Publicznych

no. 3/2015

Improvements relating to framework agreements in public procurement

Grzegorz Wicik
Autor jest radcą prawnym, wspólnikiem Kancelarii Prawnej Twarowski i Wspólnicy sp. k., redaktorem naczelnym kwartalnika „Prawo Zamówień Publicznych”.

The profound change of the framework agreement regulation proposed in the draft of the new Public Procurement Law and aimed at full transposition of the European standards to the Polish law deserves commendation. However, the provisions of the modernized Directive 2014/24/EU are not always implemented consistently and logically. This concerns primarily unjustified restriction of concluding framework agreements by central contracting entities. Apart from that, the planned regulation does not remove the majority of substantive interpretation doubts reported in literature, especially as regards the manner of setting the value of individual contracts or application of public procurement contract provisions to framework agreements. In connection with the above, the author formulated a number of de lege ferenda postulates concerning framework agreements, which should be considered in further work on the draft of the new Public Procurement Law.