Prawo Zamówień Publicznych no. 4/2015 Control of public procurement co-financed with EU funds under the the amended legal regulation Elżbieta Adamowicz Limits of admissible objective modifications in public procurement contracts Katarzyna Andrzejczak, Monika Kalina-Nowaczyk Contractor’s due diligence as a pre-condition for safe public procurement Mariusz Andrzejewski, Tomasz Maślanka The implementation of Directive no. 66/2007 in the Italian law: the legislative decree n. 53/2010 and the Administrative Procedure Code Francesco Astone Grounds for rejecting an offer in the light of EU laws Piotr Bogdanowicz Organization of public procurement in a contracting entity from the viewpoint of the administrative law Monika Chlipała Exceptional subjective criteria in public procurement Janusz Dolecki The terms of additional service as a criterion for the evaluation of tenders Maciej Gnela Banking service for the contracting authority. Evaluation of tenders Jacek Kaczmarczyk The problem of ensuring funding for investment projects implemented by local governments in Łódzkie Voivodship Ryszard Paweł Krawczyk The ability to perform an order properly in the aspect of the construction licence Izabela Kuciak Konstrukcja umowy o prace projektowe w zamówieniach publicznych Jacek Lachner, Michał Łuc Financial corrections in public procurement Józef A. Laskowski The structure of a consortium agreement in public procurement Jan Lic Quality criteria in public procurement Franciszek Łapecki Public contract award control criteria Katarzyna Marak Designing a public works concession contract Małgorzata Moras In-house public contract award under the new normative solutions Henryk Nowicki Joint tendering for a public contract Marta Owczarczyk Facultative exclusion of a contractor from applying for a public contract award under Art. 24.2a of the Public Procurement Act Jerzy Pieróg Price as the sole criterion of evaluation of tenders taking into account the costs in the description of the subject of a public supply and service contract Izabela Rzepkowska The proportionality principles with respect to the conditions required of the competitors Aleksandra Sołtysińska Contracting legal services in practice Anna Specht-Schampera The structure of a construction works public contract Ewa Wiktorowska Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej Nowe Prawo Zamówień Publicznych– kierunki modernizacji Izabela Vogelsinger