Prawo Zamówień Publicznych

no. 3/2015

Control functions of public procurement annual reports

Wacława Starzyńska
jest profesorem zwyczajnym w Katedrze Statystyki Ekonomicznej i Społecznej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

An important element of each system is the ability to monitor its operation. One of the key problems of a quantitative approach to the public procurement market is to identify and select sources of information. Without statistics and statistical analysis it is not possible to evaluate public procurement system mechanisms or carry out appropriate control of public expenditures.

The purpose of this article is to assess the usefulness of ZP-SR annual reports on contracts prepared by public authorities. Special attention is paid to those data which could be derived from this source in order to monitor the public procurement system in Poland by the President of the Public Procurement Office, the European Commission, and other institutions which control the public procurement market.