Monitor Prawniczy no. 23/2021 (Un)fair conversion clauses in loan agreements indexed to or denominated in a foreign currency? Criticism of the hitherto approach of Polish common courts to banks’ conversion tables in light of the case law of the CJEU Jarosław Bełdowski, Michał Jabłoński 10.32027/MOP.21.23.2 Legal interest in case vs submission to enforcement in a notarial deed Marta Lewandowska-Mroczkowska, Dagmara Siekierska 10.32027/MOP.21.23.3 Deadline for lodging a complaint when a brief outline of the principal reasons for the ruling has been given (Art. 357 § 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure) Marcin Dziurda 10.32027/MOP.21.23.4 Transmission to legal successors of the possessor’s claim for establishing perpetual usufruct (Art. 207(1) of the Real Property Management Act) Julita Zawadzka 10.32027/MOP.21.23.5 Corporate groups in light of special regulations Marek Michalski A comprehensive assessment of the mental condition of a defendant Paulina Duda Legal nature of EDPB recommendations and guidelines Agnieszka Grzelak The role of the European Data Protection Supervisor in the formulation and interpretation of personal data protection regulations Paweł Fajgielski Reflections after more than three years of the GDPR application Karolina Mojzesowicz Standard contractual clauses and global data transfers. Will contractual measures protect privacy at the time of the international crisis of confidence Bartosz Marcinkowski The importance of soft law for transfers of personal data to third countries on the example of EDPB Guidelines 01/2020 Damian Karwala Standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors set out in the European Commission Decision of 4 June 2021 Grzegorz Sibiga, Katarzyna Syska Breach notification – an overview of EDPB guidelines and practical issues Karolina Gałęzowska The impact of EDPB guidelines on targeting social media users on the obligations of targeting entities Iga Małobęcka-Szwast Protection of personal data and privacy when using cookies in light of the guidelines and opinions of Article 29 Working Party and European Data Protection Board Dominika Nowak Relativisation of the notion of personal data in light of the jurisprudence of Polish administrative and common courts: On the need to ensure the cohesion and role of soft law in shaping the conceptual framework on the basis of the GDPR Dominik Lubasz, Adam Szkurłat Controller and processor in EDPB Guidelines 07/2020 Marlena Sakowska-Baryła On the need for a new approach to the protection of children’s personal data by the EDPB. Comments in light of Opinion No. 2/2009 of the Article 29 Working Party on the protection of children’s personal data Mateusz Kupiec