Monitor Prawniczy no. 20/2021 Some remarks on the mandatory representation of parties by advocates, legal counsellors or patent attorneys in intellectual property proceedings Andrzej Olaś 10.32027/MOP.21.20.1 Hindsight bias vs liability for damages of management board members for their decisions Paweł Tymczyszyn, Dominika Wajda 10.32027/MOP.21.20.2 Financial sanctions resulting from the Public Procurement Law in the decision-making practice of the National Appeal Chamber and the judicature Judyta Walczak-Piontkowska 10.32027/MOP.21.20.3 Exclusion of unlawfulness of an act in administrative law Łukasz Gajek 10.32027/MOP.21.20.4 No legal interest of a member of the management board of a joint-stock company in challenging a resolution of the supervisory board concerning their recall or suspension Marcin Śledzikowski