Monitor Prawniczy no. 22/2021 Reservation in the power of attorney of its expiration upon termination of the basic legal relationship Kamila Brylak-Hudyma, Krystyna Rogala, Błażej Gadek 10.32027/MOP.21.22.1 The effects of filing a reply to an appeal in civil proceedings after the deadline Szymon Rożek 10.32027/MOP.21.22.2 The problem of „evasion” to redress the damage caused by the perpetrator of a crime Patrycja Bróżek 10.32027/MOP.21.22.3 An unauthenticated copy of a document as evidence in general administrative proceedings Tomasz Kęska-Leszyński 10.32027/MOP.21.22.4 Dismissal of a court bailiff from his position as a result of his having caused a financial shortage. Postulates for practice Cezary Paweł Waldziński 10.32027/MOP.21.22.5 Liability of persons acting on behalf of a limited company in organization Mateusz Baszczyk The problem of applying the GDPR provisions to military and civilian staff records Tomasz Świętnicki, Mateusz Jakubik