Monitor Prawniczy no. 21/2021 The provision of Art. 4462 of the Civil Code as a basis for adjudicating a compensation for the damage of family ties as a result of serious and permanent bodily injury or health impairment of the closest family member Radosław Strugała A critical analysis of the Supreme Court jurisprudence concerning interpretation of the anti-aggregation clause with regards to partner and board members of commercial law companies Marcin Cichoński 10.32027/MOP.21.21.2 The bankrupt as the receiver’s agent for the sale of movable assets included in the bankruptcy estate Przemysław Wołowski 10.32027/MOP.21.21.3 A contractual penalty – an accessorial or autonomous institution of contract law Beata Stryjewska The effectiveness of securing a creditor’s claim by seizing a debtor’s money and placing it in the deposit account of the Minister of Finance (2nd sentence of Art. 752 § 1 of the Code of Civil procedure)– de lege lata and de lege ferenda remarks Agnieszka Poralla 10.32027/MOP.21.21.5 The right to challenge resolutions of the shareholders’ meetings in case of the disposal of shares Kacper Wosiak Report on the 13th Scientific Conference „Internet Security – Global Games” and the Expert Session „Authorities, Economy and Science Towards Internet Security” (10–11 June 2021) Grażyna Szpor, Paweł Hajduk 10.32027/MOP.21.21.7