Monitor Prawniczy no. 10/2024 Wprowadzenie Sławomir Cieślak 10.32027/MOP.24.10.1 Axiological aspects of notarial practice Małgorzata Król 10.32027/MOP.24.10.2 Shaping the scope of legal protection offered by notaries Marcin Walasik 10.32027/MOP.24.10.3 Notary as a witness in a lawsuit - the scope of protection of notarial secrecy Izabella Gil 10.32027/MOP.24.10.4 Complaint against a refusal to perform a notarial act in the context of the notary’s constitutional position Michał Krakowiak 10.32027/MOP.24.10.5 Comment on the debtor’s refusal to perform a notarial act in the form of voluntary submission to enforcement regarding the obligation to pay child support Alicja Sosińska, Marcin Cieśliński 10.32027/MOP.24.10.6 Axiological assessment of the draft laws of 2022 and 2023 to broaden notary’s competences as regards granting special legal protection Sławomir Cieślak 10.32027/MOP.24.10.7 A few words about the concept of notarial orders for payment Marcin Kostwiński 10.32027/MOP.24.10.8 Notarial payment orders - a voice in the discussion Szymon Śniady 10.32027/MOP.24.10.9 Call for payment as an event constituting the basis for granting the enforceability clause to the enforcement order in the form of a notarial deed Przemysław Jadłowski 10.32027/MOP.24.10.10 Liquidation of the bankrupt’s assets by means of notarial acts (selected issues) Tomasz Strumiłło 10.32027/MOP.24.10.11 Notary as mediator - the role of the notary in mediation proceedings in civil cases Anna Jaroniewska 10.32027/MOP.24.10.12