Monitor Prawniczy no. 2/2024 Wprowadzenie Anna Hrycaj, Przemysław Biernacki 10.32027/MOP.24.2.1 General remarks on bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings Przemysław Wołowski 10.32027/MOP.24.2.2 National Register of Debtors and computerization of bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings Patrycja Makuch, Anna Hrycaj 10.32027/MOP.24.2.3 Restructuring proceedings bodies and representation of the debtor or the bankrupt in notarial acts Patryk Filipiak, Szymon Posadzy 10.32027/MOP.24.2.4 Ineffectiveness of legal acts of the bankrupt in light of interpretation and application of Art. 134 of the Bankruptcy Law in its wording in force since 1 December 2021 Bartosz Sierakowski 10.32027/MOP.24.2.5 Right of pre-emption in bankruptcy sale (case study) Joanna Mikołajczyk 10.32027/MOP.24.2.6 Consequences of selling off a share in real estate ownership for the liquidation of bankruptcy assets Przemysław Biernacki 10.32027/MOP.24.2.7 Matrimonial property relations vs personal bankruptcy Przemysław Biernacki, Andrzej Jan Szereda 10.32027/MOP.24.2.8