Monitor Prawniczy no. 8/2023 Nowelizacja Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego z 9.3.2023 r. - wprowadzenie Robert Kulski The fall of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure Robert Kulski On new requirements for pleadings submitted by a professional attorney (Art. 1281 of the Code of Civil Procedure) Bartosz Karolczyk The principles for formulating motions and declarations of the parties in pleadings in the context of changes introduced by the Act of 9 March 2023 amending the Code of Civil Procedure and certain other acts Monika Odrowska-Stasiak Return of a pleading submitted by a professional attorney Marcin Dziurda Direct (autonomous) service in the Code of Civil Procedure Andrzej Jarocha Delivery by bailiff Henryka Bednorz-Godyń Objections to the open court record or “vigilantibus iura scripta sunt” Przemysław Telenga Obligatory ex officio suspension of civil exploratory proceedings under Art. 174 § 1 subsections 1 and 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure Anna Kościółek The setoff plea after the amendment Olga Sztejnert-Roszak Preparatory session and plan of trial vs efficiency of civil procedure Maciej Rzewuski The principles for drawing and delivering statements of grounds for judgments in civil proceedings Monika Michalska-Marciniak Directions of changes in the system of the measures of appeal Michał Kłos Complaint in exploratory proceedings following the amendment of the Coce of Civil Procedure of 9 March 2023 Dariusz Chrapoński Proceedings with the participation of consumers - selected issues Joanna Derlatka Proceedings in commercial cases and simplified proceedings after the amendments of 9 March 2023 to the Code of Civil Procedure Łukasz Zamojski