Monitor Prawniczy no. 6/2023 Publication of a statement of an adequate content and relevant form in the Court and Commercial Gazette in cases for protection of personal interests – remarks to Art. 1050 § 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure Krzysztof Drozdowicz Improvement the service of process Ireneusz Wolwiak Changes in the proceedings to secure claims in intellectual property cases – remarks to the Act of 9 March 2023 amending the Code of Civil Procedure Agnieszka Gołaszewska The conditions for being part of a group of companies Kamil Jurkowski Preferential fees in cases concerning claims arising from banking activities Marcin Dziurda The sanction of the consumer not being bound by the abusive clause of a contract Damian Kaczan Failure to fulfil family obligations towards the testator as a basis for disinheritance Grzegorz Wolak Wprowadzenie (Dodatek specjalny do MOP 6/2023) Grzegorz Sibiga The principle of written form in the Code of Administrative Procedure – a new approach Sylwester Szczepaniak The principles of using automatically generated submissions for settling an individual administrative matter (Art. 14 § 1b of the Code of Administrative Procedure). A legal basis or a directional principle for automatic decision-making? Grzegorz Sibiga Online service as a method for settling an individual administrative matter Sylwester Szczepaniak The importance in administrative proceedings of technical solutions provided for in eIDAS and the Act on Electronic Deliveries Michał Tabor Legal fiction of delivery to the address for electronic deliveries in general administrative proceedings - selected issues Tomasz Kosicki Exceptions to the rule of delivery to an electronic address fir deliveries in general administrative proceedings Agnieszka Korzeniowska-Polak