Monitor Prawniczy no. 2/2023 „The July amendment” of the Penal Code, i.e. harsher criminal law Robert Zawłocki 10.32027/MOP.23.2.1 Wnioski z kilku lat stosowania RODO – czy prywatność i dane można chronić lepiej? Paweł Mielniczek 10.32027/MOP.23.2.2 Freezing of a bank account under the provisions of Art. 86.9, Art. 86.11a and Art. 86.13 of the Act of 1 March 2018 on Counteracting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism – selected issues Michał Snitko-Pleszko 10.32027/MOP.23.2.3 Expanding a lawsuit and interruption of the prescription period Marcin Dziurda 10.32027/MOP.23.2.5 The binding force of the ruling dismissing an action to repeal a resolution in the case for determination of its non-existence Bartosz Wołodkiewicz 10.32027/MOP.23.2.6 Actio Pauliana as an instrument for protection of public receivables Jakub Turczyn 10.32027/MOP.23.2.7 Transfer of a foreign gay marriage certificate to the Polish civil status register Krzysztof Piotr Sokołowski 10.32027/MOP.23.2.4 What is awating us at the beginning of 2023: Double icrease of the minimum wage and PIT 2 based on new principles as well as automatic re-enrolment in the Employee Capital Plans (PPK) Martyna Myszkowska, Oskar Sobolewski 10.32027/MOP.23.2.8