Monitor Prawniczy no. 4/2023 Limits of debtor’s liability for a delay in fulfilment of financial performance Bartłomiej Nowak-Górski 10.32027/MOP.23.4.1 Prerequisites for granting legal aid and their assessment Filip Stradomski 10.32027/MOP.23.4.2 Constitutive entry in the land and mortgage register Maria Świątko 10.32027/MOP.23.4.3 Ineffectiveness of a legal act and prepared liquidation (pre-pack) Karolina Ochocińska 10.32027/MOP.23.4.4 Filing a complaint against the decision to dismiss an appeal Marcin Dziurda 10.32027/MOP.23.4.5 Consumer redress relating to the application of allocation fees in a unit-linked life insurance contract Julita Zawadzka 10.32027/MOP.23.4.6 Accounting for payments to Employee Capital Plans – practical problems of employers Agnieszka Łukawska, Antoni Kolek 10.32027/MOP.23.4.7