Monitor Prawniczy no. 7/2023 Documentation of enforcement actions of court bailiffs after the amendments introduced by the by the Act of 22 March 2018 on court bailiffs Andrzej Olaś Aggregation of penalties under Art. 91a of the Penal Code Jan Kluza Will the courts stop the President of the Competition and Consumer Protection Office? On controversies concerning so-called public compensation in the jurisprudence of common courts Andrzej Springer, Dagmara Gut Management of a housing estate - comments on the need for legal regulation Barbara Jelonek-Jarco Transparency requirements for algorithmic personal data processing under the Digital Services Act Krzysztof Wyderka Freedom of statement in the context of religious dress in judicial institutions Anna Jaroniewska, Kamil Rogalski Nature of an obligational relationship and impermissible contractual clauses Michał Chmielowski