Monitor Prawniczy no. 9/2014 The meaning of Art. 819 § 4 of the Civil Code for restarting the period of limitation in insurance disputes Dariusz Fuchs, Adam Malik Administrative law privileges of public benefit foundations. Selected legal problems. Katarzyna Pokryszka Secondary distinctiveness of three-dimensional trademarks displayed together with other marks Aleksandra Stachera Leksykon tajemnic Grażyna Szpor, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Tajemnice w postępowaniu karnym Marcin Wielec Aktualne problemy prawnej ochrony danych osobowych 2014 – wprowadzenie (dodatek MoP 9/2014) Grzegorz Sibiga Personal data protection in the world of the Internet of Things Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski Division of responsibility for cloud computing of personal data with a view to formulating contractual provisions – selected issues Bogdan Fischer The principle of purpose limitation in the big data era Piotr Drobek Information autonomy in the context of web services: the meaning of consent for data processing and risks of profiling Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Anna Walkowiak Personal data processing in on-line marketing activities Michał Kaczorowski Information security administrator – the origins, present status and prospects for changes Paweł Fajgielski Risk analysis in management of personal data security. Risk management in the context of data protection Maciej Byczkowski, Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki Sharing of personal data relating to electronic provision of services Grzegorz Sibiga The process of modernization of Convention 108 of the Council of Europe for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data Urszula Góral, Sophie Kwasny Access to the mechanisms of personal data protection in the UE countries – conclusions from the report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Dorota Głowacka