Monitor Prawniczy no. 7/2014 The amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure made (or prepared) from August 2013 to the end of February 2014 Janusz Jankowski The constitutional and statutory notion of a family Bogusław Banaszak, Michał Zieliński Annulment of a legally binding judgment passed in civil proceedings Marcin Kostwiński Compulsory representation by a professional lawyer in class action lawsuits Małgorzata Sieradzka A (illegitimate) resolution of a company may not be pronounced invalid without a court sentence Radosław L. Kwaśnicki, Anna Lewińska Leksykon tajemnic Grażyna Szpor, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Tajemnica sędziowska Michał Ordyniak Tajemnica pracowników sądów i prokuratury Michał Ordyniak I konferencja absolwentów szkół prawa niemieckiego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – materiały z konferencji – Wprowadzenie (dodatek MoP 7/2014) Marcin Chomiuk Management and supervision in joint-stock companies – status quo and the reform dilemmas Adam Opalski, Krzysztof Oplustil The dual and the monistic system of shareholding company’s governing bodies Thomas Kremer Shareholder’s right to information: different results of the interpretation and different market practice under the apparently similar provisions of Art. 428 of the Commercial Companies Code and § 131 of the AktG Jakub Zagrajek Legal possibilities for waiving the collective responsibility principle in running the business of Polish and German joint-stock companies Katarzyna Reszczyk Looking for an appropriate equivalent: problems of legal translations Paweł Gugała The same or different?: legal terminology in Germany and in Austria Karolina Paluszek