Monitor Prawniczy no. 5/2014 The institution of prescription of the claim to forbear from infringement in trademark law Joanna Piotrowska Selected issues concerning confidential information Stefan Jaworski, Jarosław Kołkowski Abuse of the charge of prescription by the debtor or disregard for the expiration of the time limit owing to special circumstances controllable by the creditor – de lege ferenda remarks Magdalena Wilejczyk Foreseeability of a loss as a premise of liability for damages under the Vienna Convention Maciej Durbas Legal councillor’s (advocate’s) duty to communicate a suspicion of money laundering vs. client-legal councillor confidentiality in the light of the ECHR Hanna Winnicka Leksykon tajemnic Grażyna Szpor, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Regulation of legal professional privileges in Italy. Solicitor-client privilege Miłosława Trzos