Monitor Prawniczy no. 11/2014 Damages for the death of an immediate family member as a result of an event which took place prior to 3 August 2008 Maciej J. Naworski Permissibility of a bankruptcy estate overliquidity in case of the futility of bankrupt’s actions Rafał Adamus On current dilemmas concerning application of Art. 5 of the Civil Code Beata Janiszewska Filing a claim for payment – an act in ordinary management of a housing association Mateusz Grochowski The object of trial vs. preliminary examination of formal defects and fees for an alternative claim Katarzyna Gajda-Roszczynialska Charging of contractual penalties for the time of actual delay if such penalties have been reserved for debtor’s delay Wojciech Robaczyński Objection against an order of payment issued as a result of electronic writ-of-payment proceedings vs. supplementing the filing fee Anna Kościółek Leksykon tajemnic Grażyna Szpor, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Medical professional confidentiality – general characteristic Krzysztof Świtała