Monitor Prawniczy no. 8/2014 Absence of the defendant at the appeal hearing Dariusz Drajewicz Limits of the freedom of speech in a work environment – standards of the European Court of Human Rights Aleksandra Rutkowska Contradiction with the fundamental principle of public order (Art. 1146 § 1.7 of the Code of Civil Procedure) as a reason for partial permission to enforce a verdict of a foreign court Paweł Grzegorczyk Reflections on the conditions for additional payments to the initial building contribution Beata Janiszewska Beginning of the limitation period for claims to redress an ex contractu damage Mateusz Grochowski Status of cases for performance of construction contracts Jerzy P. Naworski On the threat of severe punishment as a presumption for pre-trial detention – critically Kazimierz J. Pawelec Leksykon tajemnic Grażyna Szpor, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Tajemnica postępowania przygotowawczego Feliks Prusak