Prawo Zamówień Publicznych no. 1/2021 The amicable resolution of disputes on the grounds of the Public Procurement Law of 11 September 2019 Michał Kania The contractor’s ability to act in legal transactions Tadeusz Kocowski European standards of appeal procedures Aleksandra Sołtysińska Implementation of the new Public Procurement Law Hubert Nowak Cooperation between control bodies in the public procurement system Mateusz Winiarz The nature and legal significance of the basic procedure for awarding low-value contracts Włodzimierz Dzierżanowski, Andrzela Gawrońska-Baran Full digitisation of public procurement – selected issues Małgorzata Moras The role of the e-procurement platform in the process of digitising public procurement Krzysztof Fijołek, Sebastian Szaładziński The digitisation of the appeal procedure before the National Appeals Chamber in light of the new Public Procurement Law Maciej Sarnowski New statutory solutions in the current jurisprudence of the National Appeals Chamber Katarzyna Prowadzisz Procurement issues concerning design and construction works Wojciech Wyrzykowski Needs analysis in public procurement and a description of the subject of the contract in the “design and build” public works investments Anna Górczyńska, Kamil Sójta On the need for improvements in the area of civil servants’ liability Beata Nuzzo Zamówienia publiczne na prace projektowe w ujęciu historycznym Michał Łuc Dopuszczalność zastrzeżenia kary umownej z tytułu braku zapłaty lub nieterminowej zapłaty wynagrodzenia należnego podwykonawcom lub dalszym podwykonawcom Michał Drozdowicz 10.32027/MOP.21.18.5