This article concerns the digitisation of appeal proceedings before the National Appeals Chamber (KIO) in light of the new Public Procurement Law of 11 September 2019. By adopting the new legal regulation, certain legal solutions were introduced with the intention of improving the effectiveness of legal protection measures and streamlining the appeals procedure, including its digitisation. Therefore, in the author’s opinion, it is justified to consider the digitisation of appeal proceedings in the context of increasing the efficiency and speed of examining appeals by the National Appeals Chamber. During these considerations, the objectives of the system of legal protection measures and the electronic measures contained in section IX of the new law entitled “Legal protection measures” were presented. This includes their impact on the course of the appeal proceedings as well as interpretation doubts as to the content of the indicated provisions. The summary also offers an assessment of the impact of normative solutions regarding electronic means on achieving the objectives of the appeal procedure, and also formulates “de lege ferenda” postulates.