Monitor Prawniczy no. 4/2020 So-called. surrogate motherhood – a few remarks in context of the amendment to the Penal Code Paulina Banaszak, Konrad Burdziak 10.32027/MOP.20.4.1 Prescription of a claim under Art. 231 § 2 of the Civil Code Grzegorz Wolak 10.32027/MOP.20.4.2 An enterprise and an organized part thereof in bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings (running, leasing, sale) – Part IV Stanisław Gurgul 10.32027/MOP.20.4.3 Report from the National Scientific Conference “The new shape of Polish civil procedure” (Łódź, 6 December 2019) Łukasz Czarnecki 10.32027/MOP.20.4.4 The problem of the permanent presence of a pharmacist with qualified seniority (parmacy manager) in a pharmacy which is open to the public Rafał Adamus