Monitor Prawniczy no. 6/2020 Changes in the bankruptcy law introduced by the Act of 30 August 2019 – Part 2 Aleksandra Machowska 10.32027/MOP.20.6.2 Advance collection of disposal of rent upon declaration of bankruptcy of landlord or lessor Artur Nowacki 10.32027/MOP.20.6.3 Resignation of the last member of a governing body of a shareholding company (Part I) Piotr Moskała 10.32027/MOP.20.6.4 Declaring a tenancy or lease agreement ineffective and the consequences of a judgment in a Paulian action case Piotr Turski 10.32027/MOP.20.6.5 Exposure of a terminally ill person to danger of loss of life Michał Gałęski Nowelizacja Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego – zmiany wprowadzone ustawą z 4.7.2019 r. oraz innymi ustawami – tabela porównawcza z komentarzem Izabella Gil 10.32027/MOP.20.6.1