Monitor Prawniczy

no. 21/2014

The issue of a number of hereditary transmission successors in the case of acquisition of inheritance and specific bequest

Grzegorz Wolak
Sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli, asystent w Katedrze Prawa Prywatnego Wydziału Zamiejscowego Prawa i Nauk o Gospodarce KUL w Stalowej Woli

This article attempts to discuss one of the issues associated with hereditary transmission in the case of acquisition of inheritance and acquisition of a specific bequest, namely the problem – unresolved by the legislator – of the consequences of the death of a successor of an inheritance or of a bequest before a declaration has been made to accept or refuse the inheritance or the bequest in a situation whereby more that one heirs have been left behind. The author postulates to regulate this issue in the new Civil Code by the legislator’s choosing one of the positions presented in the doctrine.