Monitor Prawniczy

no. 17/2014

Encumbrance of the cooperative ownership right to a property with usufruct

Jakub Biernat
Autor jest doktorem nauk prawnych, adiunktem w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego na Wydziale Prawa, Administacji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego oraz notariuszem w Krakowie.

In the glossed judgment, the Supreme Court presented its position according to which the cooperative ownership right to a property may not be encumbered with usufruct. This position is not acceptable, both as regards the adopted solution as well as its substantiation. On the other hand, the view in the light of which encumbrance of the cooperative ownership right to a property is permissible should be considered as a correct one.