Monitor Prawniczy

no. 4/2021

Secondary intervention in separate proceedings before the Competition and Consumer Protection Court

DOI: 10.32027/MOP.21.4.3
Jolanta Stasińska
Autorka jest sędzią Sądu Rejonowego dla Warszawy w Warszawie delegowaną do Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie XVII Wydział Sąd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów.

The provision dedicated to separate proceedings before the Competition and Consumer Protection Court enumerate a roup of entities acting as a party, though when the general provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure concerning the proceedings or other acts, it is not a closed list. What is more, participation of a secondary intervener in separate proceedings may seem disputable. This article discusses admissibility of secondary intervention in separate proceedings before the Competition and Consumer Protection Court despite participation of an entity defined as an interested party. The article aims at making a differentiation between those two institutions and indicating prerequisites which have to be met for a secondary intervener to be able to take part in separate proceedings.