Monitor Prawniczy
no. 12/2021
Inadmissibility of challenging failure to enter ex officio a compulsory mortgage when a part of the property has been detached and a new land an mortgage register has been started
Autor jest aplikantem sędziowskim w Krajowej Szkole Sądownictwa i Prokuratury w Krakowie, doktorantem w Katedrze Praw Człowieka KUL.
Autor jest Przewodniczącym X Wydziału Ksiąg Wieczystych w Sądzie Rejonowym Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie, adiunktem w Katedrze Negocjacji i Mediacji w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Jana Pawła II.
The gloss concerns assessment of the correctness of the Supreme Court resolution of 6 August 2020 (III CZP 77/19) in the context of the extent to which the failure to enter ex officio a joint mortgage in the event of submitting an application for free transfer of part of the property is challengeable. First, the actual facts underlying the analyzed ruling and positions of individual courts will be presented. The next part will include a description of the essence of ex officio transfer of a joint charge. Further on, it will be assessed to what extent the decisions allowing or not the transfer of joint charges may be challenged. The next chapter will be devoted to admissibility of applying for an encumbered transfer of part of the property to the existing or new land and mortgage register. The last part will concern admissibility of taking into account the legal basis as a basis for such entry.