Prawo Zamówień Publicznych no. 4/2016 Modification of public contract provisions after 28 July 2016 Jakub Kobyliński Exclusion of the contractor from public procurement proceedings because of restructuring liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy Jacek Lachner Difficulties in practice of the application of non-price tender evaluation criteria Anna Łojewska Good practices in developing public contract terms from the perspective of the consequences of errors in project documentation Michał Łuc Implementation of EU public procurement law in the United Kingdom Aleksandra Sołtysińska The possibility of using legal remedies by a consortium Beata Zwolińska Grzegorz Klich, Zmiana umowy w sprawie zamówienia publicznego, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2016 – recenzja monografii Piotr Bogdanowicz