Prawo Zamówień Publicznych

no. 4/2023

Computerisation of public procurement in Poland. Comments de lege lata and de lege ferenda

Henryk Nowicki
Doktor habilitowany, profesor UMK
Maciej Sarnowski
Doktor UMK
Krzysztof Kucharski
Doktor UMK

Abstract: The article presents the results of a study on the computerisation of public procurement and its connection with the system of building electronic administration. The analysis presented was based primarily on the legal regulations of the European Union and their transposition into Poland’s new Public Procurement Law of 2019. The computerisation of public procurement should, first of all, foster improvements in the public procurement procedure, it must also serve to improve the transparency of the procedure and the possibility of monitoring and evaluating the purchasing process. The created IT solutions for public procurement should not only be consistent within the public procurement system, but also consistent with other elements of the public administration computerisation system. The adopted solutions for the computerisation of public procurement must guarantee interoperability, especially as regards collected data and its use by authorised entities. A properly functioning computerisation of public procurement and its further development will relieve the participants in this market from unnecessary data entries.

computerisation of public procurement, e-government, transparency of procurement procedures, development of computerisation of public procurement.