Prawo Zamówień Publicznych no. 1/2023 Copyright of a design work in a design contest procedure - considerations from the perspective of public procurement law and copyright law Beata Giesen Adjusting the remuneration for a public procurement contractor in a crisis situation - comments on the background of recent legislative changes Wojciech Robaczyński The structure of indexation clauses in public procurement contracts Grzegorz Klich The legal construction of the competition procedure for granting European funds for the implementation of construction projects Wojciech Fill Reservations on subcontracting in public works contracts. Krzysztof Horubski How means of proof function in practice Andrzela Gawrońska-Baran, Włodzimierz Dzierżanowski The requirements related to employment of persons performing activities within the contract performance Maciej Lubiszewski Granting advance payments to the contractor of the public procurement contract Marcin Czerwiński Eradicating abusive clauses in draft public procurement contracts in light of the NAC case law Ewa Sikorska, Agnieszka Trojanowska Grounds for awarding an in-house contract for municipal waste collection based on Article 214 Paragraph 1 Item 11 of the Public Procurement Law Commentary to the judgment of the National Appeal Chamber of 16 May 2022, NAC (KIO) 561/22 et al. Franciszek Łapecki