Prawo Nowych Technologii

About the journal

The journal addresses current problems of applying new technologies law in the context of the latest legal regulations and case law of European and Polish courts and authorities. A significant part of papers published in the quarterly is devoted to the ongoing legislative work on legal acts defining the framework of the information society and regulating various aspects of the use of innovations.

The quarterly covers six basic substantive blocks on legal issues: personal data and privacy protection, cybersecurity, e-commerce, innovations, the Internet and media, and IT.

The professional partner of the quarterly is the New Technologies Law Association, which affiliates lawyers from the largest Polish and foreign law firms specializing in new technologies. The aim of the Association is to disseminate knowledge about legal regulations and standards in the field of new technologies law, as well as to support efforts aimed at adjusting Polish law to European and international law in this area.

Prawo Nowych Technologii (New Technologies Law) (ISSN 2720-1600) is the only one among legal journals published in Poland entirely devoted to the law of new technologies.

The journal is published by the renowned C. H. Beck Publishers specializing in professional legal literature – commentaries, monographs, specimen forms, legal textbooks, collective citations, encyclopedias and dictionaries, as well as a wide range of journals.

The quarterly was established in 2021 as a continuation of a special supplement to Law Monitor devoted to the law of new technologies issued since 2019 in professional cooperation with the New Technologies Law Association.

Editorial office

Xawery Konarski - Editor-in-Chief
Izabela Politowska - Managing Editor

Address of the Editorial Office:
ul. Bonifraterska 17, 00-203 Warszawa
tel. 22 33 77 600
e-mail: [email protected]

Polish - Dorota Jagielska
English - Nick Faulkner

Information for the authors

Instructions for Authors

  • Accepted for publication are articles in DOC format (up to 20-22 typed pages – max. 50 thous. characters with spaces and footnotes) together with the personal data of the author (name and surname, academic title, affiliation, address and contact phone number, e-mail address); they should be sent by e-mail to the address of the editorial office ([email protected])
  • The article should be accompanied by a summary in Polish (and possibly in English) – max. 800 characters and several keywords in Polish (and in English), as well as a bibliography and a list of the principal editorial units of those legal acts the author refers to in the article. 


Editing instructions:

  • Names and surnames, as well as initials – also in footnotes – are to be italicised. 
  • Also phrases in foreign languages, including Latin, should be also italicised.
  • C.H.Beck has adopted a system of abbreviations (in Polish). For instance: Penal Code - KK, Civil Code - KC, Labour Code - KP, Tax Law - OrdPU; a list of selected abbreviations below; in case of doubt, please consult the Editorial Office. 
  • Dates should be written as follows: in Polish - 4.4.2013 r., without zeros; in English – 4 April 2013. When quoting someone’s words, a colon should be inserted and the words put in quotation marks. 
  • Double quotation marks are to be used: “...”; only for setting off a quotation within another quotation:>>... <<. 
  • Round brackets should be used (…),while square brackets [...] are reserved for commentators. 
  • Closing brackets directly after each other should be avoided: )), and also do not start a new bracket after closing one: )(. 
  • Full stop always comes after brackets – it ends a statement. 
  • Footnote number in the text always comes before full stop in Polish, and after full stop in English. 
  • Citation of legal basis: in Polish - por. ustawa z 3.3.1999 r., Dz.U. Nr 3 poz. 45 ze zm.; in English – cf. Act of 3 March 1999, Journal of Laws No.3 item 45 as amended 
  • Titles of periodicals are to be taken in quotation marks. 
  • In the case of judgments, please indicate the place of publication or availability.
  • For printed publications, please provide:
    • Author, full title, place and date of publication, page
    • if there is a scientific editor – Author, possibly the title of the study or excerpt of the publication [in:] full title of the publication, ed. ..., place and date of publication, page
  • For online publications, please provide:
    • Author, the relevant part of the publication/editorial unit, place and date of publication, for online publications only the date could be given; Lex/el with the indication of the year - means the version of the Lex programme used by the author; in Legalis we do not indicate the year of the system version, Nb if there is, for example:
      • In Polish: M. Manowska, Komentarz do art. 187 [w:] Kodeks postępowania cywilnego. Komentarz. T. I. Art. 1–50538, pod red. M. Manowskiej, Warszawa 2015, Lex/el 2020, Nb 11;
      • in English: M. Manowska, Commentary to Art. 187 [in:] Code of Civil Proceedings. Commentary. Vol. I. Art. 1–50538, ed. M. Manowska, Warszawa 2015, Lex/el 2020, Nb 11
      • In Polish - A. Opalski [w:] Kodeks spółek handlowych. T. IIIA. Spółka akcyjna, pod red. A. Opalskiego, 2016, Legalis, kom. do art. 390 KSH, Nb 26;
      • in English - A. Opalski [in:] Commercial Companies Code. Vol. IIIA. Joint stock company, ed. A. Opalski, 2016, Legalis, commentary to Art. 390 of the Commercial Companies Code, Nb 26


Ethical code

The editorial team of “Prawo Nowych Technologii” exercises the highest degree of care to ensure that ethical standards are kept in scientific publications and adopts all possible measures to prevent negligence of those standards in the periodical. Articles submitted for publication are evaluated from the viewpoint of reliability, ethical standards as well as usefulness for the theory and practice of application of law. 

Ethical standards have been based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. 

Download a complete set of flowcharts: English (filetype *.PDF) 

Ethical standards

Duties of editors

  1. The editor-in-chief is obliged to abide by the current state of law with respect to defamation, violation of copyright and plagiarism, and is responsible for decisions concerning selection of articles for publication. 
  2. No member of the editorial team (editors, members of the editorial board, members of the board of reviewers) may disclose information on any work submitted to any persons other than the persons eligible to receive it under the publishing procedure adopted by the editorial team. 
  3. Unpublished articles of fragments thereof may not be used in own research of the editorial team or reviews without explicit writing consent of the author.
  4. With respect to counteracting discrimination the applicable laws are observed.

Duties of authors

  1. Authorship should be limited to people who significantly contributed to the concept, project, execution or interpretation of a work. All people who made a contribution to a paper should be mentioned as co-authors. The author should make sure that all co-authors have been acknowledged, have seen and accepted the final version of the paper and have agreed for submitting it for publication. In the case of other persons who have had an impact on important aspects of a scientific article, they should be mentioned or presented as contributors.
  2. Authors should disclose all sources of financing in their work, any possible contribution of research institutions, associations and other organizations as well as other major conflicts of interests.
  3. Authors should not publish materials describing the same research project in more than one periodical or original publication. Submitting the same work to more than one periodical is at the same time unethical and prohibited.
  4. Authors are obliged to cite the publications which have had an impact on the submitted work and each time should confirm that works of other authors have been used. They should also make sure that the names of authors quoted in the work and/or fragments of cited works have been correctly cited or mentioned.
  5. If a basic error or discrepancy is found in the work the author should promptly notify the editorial board thereof.
  6. Authors should submit only original works for publication.
  7. Ghostwriting/guest authorship are manifestations of scientific dishonesty and all disclosed cases will be denounced, including notification of relevant authorities. All manifestations of scientific dishonesty, in particular violations and infringements of the ethical standards applicable in research activities will be documented by the editors.

Duties of reviewers

  1. Reviewers provide support to the editor-in-chief in making editorial decisions and – through the editorial team – may also assist authors in making corrections in their works.
  2. Each selected reviewer who cannot review a work or knows that prompt reviewing is impossible should notify the editorial team thereof.
  3. Reviews should be performed objectively. Reviewers should state their views clearly, substantiating them with relevant arguments. Making personal critical remarks about authors is considered inappropriate.
  4. All reviewed works must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with persons other than the duly authorized representative of the editorial team.
  5. All reviews are performed anonymously and author’s data shall not be disclosed to reviewers.
  6. Confidential information or ideas arising as a result of a review should be kept secret and must not be used for gaining personal benefits.
  7. Reviewers should not review works in relation to which there is a conflict of interests arising out of a relationship with relevant authors, companies or institutions.
  8. Reviewers should report any major similarity, partial overlapping of the contents of the work with any other publication they are familiar with or any suspicion of plagiarism.
Editorial board
  • Xawery Konarski, Attorney at Law (Traple Konarski Podrecki & Wspólnicy) – Editor in Chief
  • Aleksandra Auleytner, LL.D., Counsellor at Law (Domański Zakrzewski Palinka)
  • Witold Chomiczewski, Counsellor at Law (Lubasz & Wspólnicy)
  • Maciej Kubiak, Attorney at Law (SKP Ślusarek Kubiak i Wspólnicy)
  • Mikołaj Sowiński, Counsellor at Law (Sołtysiński Kawecki Szlęzak)
  • Artur Piechocki, Counsellor at Law (APLaw)
  • Piotr Grabarczyk, Editor (C.H.Beck)
Program board
  • Prof. Aleksander Chłopecki (University of Warsaw)
  • Prof. Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska (University of Szczecin)
  • Prof. Jacek Gołaczyński (University of Wrocław)
  • Prof. Katarzyna Grzybczyk (University of Silesia)
  • Prof. Paweł Księżak (University of Łódź)
  • Prof. Wojciech Machała (University of Warsaw)
  • Prof. Andrzej Matlak (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
  • Prof. Monika Namysłowska (University of Łódź)
  • Prof. Adrian Niewęgłowski (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
  • Prof. Stanisław Piątek (University of Warsaw)
  • Prof. Paweł Podrecki (Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Prof. Przemysław Polański (Kozminski University)
  • Prof. Maciej Rogalski (Lazarski University)
  • Prof. Rafał Sikorski (Adam Mickiewicz University)
  • Prof. Grzegorz Sibiga (Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • Prof. Marek Świerczyński (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University) 
Review board
  • Xawery Konarski, Attorney at Law (Traple Konarski Podrecki & Wspólnicy) – Editor in Chief
  • Aleksandra Auleytner, LL.D., Counsellor at Law (Domański Zakrzewski Palinka)
  • Witold Chomiczewski, Counsellor at Law (Lubasz & Wspólnicy)
  • Maciej Kubiak, Attorney at Law (SKP Ślusarek Kubiak i Wspólnicy)
  • Mikołaj Sowiński, Counsellor at Law (Sołtysiński Kawecki Szlęzak)
  • Artur Piechocki, Counsellor at Law (APLaw)
  • Piotr Grabarczyk, Editor (C.H.Beck)
Review procedure
  1. Articles sent to the publisher by graduates of law departments, doctoral students, assistant lecturers and legal trainees should be accompanied by a recommendation (review) of the scientific supervisor.
  2. Each article submitted to the editorial office of “Prawo Nowych Technologii” is subject to evaluation by reviewers who make a final decision as to its approval for publication or rejection.
  3. The list of contributor reviewers is available on the website of the periodical. In justified cases, the Editorial Office may ask persons from outside of that list to make an assessment.
  4. Each publication is appraised by the reviewer.
  5. Reviewers submit a declaration that there is no conflict of interests between them and the author. The following relationships between a reviewer and an author shall be recognised as a conflict of interests:
    • Direct personal relationships (family relation, legal relation, conflict),
    • Professional subordination,
    • Direct scientific cooperation within the last 2 years preceding preparation of a review.
  6. Each review is completed with an unequivocal conclusion as to approval of the article for publication of its rejection, or we might present the Author suggestions as to alterations and corrections.