The journal addresses current problems of applying new technologies law in the context of the latest legal regulations and case law of European and Polish courts and authorities. A significant part of papers published in the quarterly is devoted to the ongoing legislative work on legal acts defining the framework of the information society and regulating various aspects of the use of innovations.
The quarterly covers six basic substantive blocks on legal issues: personal data and privacy protection, cybersecurity, e-commerce, innovations, the Internet and media, and IT.
The professional partner of the quarterly is the New Technologies Law Association, which affiliates lawyers from the largest Polish and foreign law firms specializing in new technologies. The aim of the Association is to disseminate knowledge about legal regulations and standards in the field of new technologies law, as well as to support efforts aimed at adjusting Polish law to European and international law in this area.
Prawo Nowych Technologii (New Technologies Law) (ISSN 2720-1600) is the only one among legal journals published in Poland entirely devoted to the law of new technologies.
The journal is published by the renowned C. H. Beck Publishers specializing in professional legal literature – commentaries, monographs, specimen forms, legal textbooks, collective citations, encyclopedias and dictionaries, as well as a wide range of journals.
The quarterly was established in 2021 as a continuation of a special supplement to Law Monitor devoted to the law of new technologies issued since 2019 in professional cooperation with the New Technologies Law Association.