Monitor Prawa Handlowego no. 1/2017 The governing body of a joint-stock company empowered to set remuneration for the Supervisory Board member temporarily acting as a Management Board member pursuant to Art. 383 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code Andrzej Szumański An administrator of shares (stocks) appointed pursuant to Art. 203 of the Civil Codevs a common representative of persons jointly entitled under shares (stocks Andrzej Kidyba Realization of collateralized debts, personal rights and claims as well as potestative rights during restructuring proceedings, Part II Stanisław Gurgul Changes in the regulation of the financial instruments market as a result of adopting the MiFID II/MiFIR package Iwona Gębusia Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej „Własność intelektualna w działalności gospodarczej” Wpływ Jana Kochanowskiego na ideę prawa prywatnego, czyli wolność smakuje, jak się zepsuje Michał Romanowski