Monitor Prawa Handlowego

no. 2/2011

Joining of the company by the spouse of a shareholder where the share or shares are part of the family patrimony the execution of rights arising from joint property

Radosław L. Kwaśnicki
Autor jest uczestnikiem studiów doktoranckich prowadzonych w ramach Europejskiego Kolegium Doktorskiego „Transformacja systemowa i ujednolicenie prawa w łączącej się Europie” na Wydziałach Prawa Uniwersytetów w Krakowie, Moguncji oraz Heidelbergu. Artykuł powstał dzięki kancelarii prawniczej GLEISS LUTZ HOOTZ HIRSCH (biuro w Warszawie)
Alicja Piskorz
Aplikantka radcowska w kancelarii „KWAŚNICKI, WRÓBEL i Partnerzy -- Radcowie Prawni sp.p.” (
Agnieszka Nalazek
Aplikantka radcowska w kancelarii „KWAŚNICKI, WRÓBEL i Partnerzy -- Radcowie Prawni sp.p.” (

The publication is a continuation of the article which concerns an analysis of joining of the company by the spouse of_a_shareholder where the share or shares are part of the family patrimony. Herein it is dissussed how the rights arising from joint property, which also includes the shares, are executed. The proper estimation whether the provisions of the Family and Guardianship Code or the Commercial Companies Code shall be applicable here is significant. Art. 36 § 2 of the Family and Guardianship Code stipulates that each spouse is free to manage the joint property, but art. 184 § 1 / art. 333 § of the Commercial Companies Code provides that the joint holders of a share or shares shall exercise their rights in the company through a common representative. In the prima facie view, there is a conflict of provisions.