Monitor Prawniczy
no. 9/2024
Consent management for PIS and AIS services in light of the proposed PSR&PSD3 package
DOI: 10.32027/MOP.24.9.13
Dr. Autor jest adwokatem, Counsel w kancelarii Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy
The article focuses on an assessment of the obligation to provide and maintain a dashboard to manage consents for the provision of payment transaction initiation services (PIS) and account information access services (AIS), which is provided for in the draft regulation on payment services in the internal market (PSR). The proposed provisions impose a number of new requirements in this regard, both on account servicing payment service providers (ASPSPs) as well as PIS and AIS providers. The result of the analysis is that the assumptions presented in the draft PSR regarding the operation of the dashboard are often questionable. In order to eliminate them, the article formulates numerous de lege ferenda postulates.
consent management dashboard, account information service, AIS, payment initiation service, PIS, PSR, PSD3
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