Studia Prawa Prywatnego

nr 3/2023

Law and Political Economy (LPE) in Central and Eastern Europe: An Introduction

DOI: 10.32027/SPP.23.3-4.4
Mateusz Grochowski
Ph.D., Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg), Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw).
Agnieszka Smoleńska
Ph.D., Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw).

The text introduces a series of articles on law and political economy that will be published in this and subsequent issues of Studia Prawa Prywatnego. These studies are the result of the conference „Law and Political Economy - Central and Eastern European Perspectives” held on 21 March 2022 at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Opening this collection, the text characterizes political economy as a research approach in legal sciences and discusses its renaissance over the past decade in the US and Europe. In this regard, the text focuses on the perspective of private law and market regulation. It also draws attention to the special challenges of political economy from the perspective of Central and Eastern European countries, especially from the vantage point of their post-communist transition and its economic, social and legal spillovers. It also introduces the issues of the following studies published in Private Law Studies.

Słowa kluczowe
prawo i ekonomia polityczna, Europa Środkowa, kapitalizm, liberalizm, zrównoważony rozwój
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A. Beckers, K. Eller, P. Kjaer, The Transformative Law of Political Economy in Europe, ELO 2022, No. 4;
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J.R. Commons, Institutional Economics, AERev 1936, No. 1;
S. Deakin, D. Gindis, G. Hodgson, M. Geoffrey, H. Kainan, K. Pistor, Legal Institutionalism: Capitalism and the Constitutive Role of Law, JCE 2017, No. 45;
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M. Hesselink, The Myth of a Neoliberal European Private Law, Verfassungsblog, 1.9.2020 r. (, access: 19.5.2023 r.);
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A. Johnston, A. Regan, Is the European Union Capable of Integrating Diverse Models of Capitalism?, Abingdon 2021;
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P. Kjaer, The Law of Political Economy: An Introduction, Cambridge 2021;
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J. Kusiak, Trespassing on the Law: Critical legal engineering as a strategy for action research, Area 2021, No. 53;
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U. Mattei, J. Haskell, Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law, Cheltenham 2017;
H. Micklitz, The Transformative Politics of European Private Law, w P. Kjaer, The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function of Law, Cambridge 2021;
V. Nourse, G. Shaffer, Varieties of New Legal Realism: Can a New World Order Prompt a New Legal Theory?, CLRev 2009, No. 95;
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L. Petrażycki, Polityka prawa cywilnego i ekonomia polity­czna, Warszawa 2017;
K. Pistor, Code of Capital, Princeton 2019;
R. Pittman, Competition Law in Central and Eastern Europe: Five Years Later, The Antitrust Bulletin 1998, No. 1;
J.S. Purdy, D.S. Grewal, A. Kapczynski, K. Sabeel Rahman, Building a Law-and-Political Economy Framework: Beyond the Twentieth-Century Synthesis, Yale Law Journal 2020, No. 6;
R. Unger, The Critical Legal Studies Movement Another Time, a Greater Task, London 1986;
A. Wiewiórowska-Domagalska, M. Grochowski, Consumer Law in Poland: Or There and Back Again, in: The Making of Consumer Law and Policy in Europe (ed. H.-W. Micklitz), Oxford 2021.