Studia Prawa Prywatnego

nr 2/2018

Spontaneous Order in the Sharing Economy? A Research Agenda

Mateusz Grochowski
Autor jest doktorantem w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, asystentem sędziego w Izbie Cywilnej Sądu Najwyższego.

The sharing economy is nowadays one of the most important and fastest-growing spheres of the market. Its emergence and rapid expansion is facilitated chiefly by online platforms, which intermediate in concluding contracts between individuals in various domains of the market. The most typical spheres of their operation encompass sales (eBay, Alibaba), house rentals (Airbnb), transport (Uber, Lyft) and financial services (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Lending Club), but the sharing economy is constantly developing new types of platforms, with growing sophistication.