Prawo Nowych Technologii
nr 1/2021
Obiektywizacja naruszenia dóbr osobistych w Internecie, czyli o kryterium „przeciętnego odbiorcy”
Autor jest adwokatem, partnerem w zespole Media Communication Entertainment w kancelarii Traple, Konarski, Podrecki i Wspólnicy; ORCID: 0000-0002-5980-0067.
Współcześnie nie ulega wątpliwości, że ochrona dóbr osobistych przyznana jest przez prawo wyłącznie w zakresie obiektywnym. Miernikiem obiektywności naruszenia jest punkt widzenia „przeciętnego odbiorcy”. Zastosowanie tego kryterium nie jest jednak łatwe w odniesieniu do naruszeń dokonywanych w przestrzeni Internetu, gdyż wymaga uwzględnienia szeregu okoliczności obcych naruszeniom dokonywanym w świecie „analogowym”.
Objectification of online infringement of personal goods or the criterion of „average recipient”
There is no doubt that protection of personal goods should be absolutely objective, i.e. detached from individual sensitivity of the aggrieved party. Infringement of a personal good is determined by an „objective social response”, which does not mean, however, that the actual response to a specific statement should be ignored. The criterion that allows to take into account all these factors is the criterion of „average recipient”. This standard, constructed for the needs of a specific factual situation, should be established in an abstract, theoretical manner, but taking into account a number of objective circumstances of a specific factual situation, such as the context of a statement, or the group of (potential) recipients assumed by its author, as well as people who have been actually reached. It is commonly assumed that the starting point is to adopt the perspective of an ordinary, reasonable, rational person with average intelligence, education and knowledge. The same criterion should apply to infringements committed online, with the proviso that on the Internet we more often deal with simplified content, and therefore more often than in the case of traditional media the level of „average recipient” will be lower. On the other hand, some online messages force the inclusion of higher, unusual standards of „average recipient”. This will be the case, for example, of search engine results lists, which was rightly pointed out by the Supreme Court in its judgment of 13 December 2018 (file ref. I CSK 690/17).
Słowa kluczowe: dobra osobiste, przeciętny odbiorca, naruszenie, art. 23 KC, art. 24 KC
Key words: personal goods, average recipient, infringement, Art. 23 of the Civil Code, Art. 24 of the Civil Code