Monitor Prawa Pracy

nr 3/2023

The fourth industrial revolution, big data and sharing economy: pay no attention to the worker behind the curtain

phd Marta Zbucka-Gargas
Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk. PhD and LLM.
prof. Cláudio Iannotti da Rocha
Professor of the Law Department of the at Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).
Guilherme Alves Jevaux
Master’s student in Procedural Law at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings a great new era of social upheaval. With the advent of the Internet and Artificial Intelligence, the modern world is full of possibilities for advances and setbacks, thus being studied with due care. With this moment of great convulsions, once again people and companies interested in using it as a curtain for the old exploitation of the worker and abuse of fundamental rights arise. Thus, this article, making a parallel with the film „The Wizard of Oz” and using documentary and bibliographic sources, seeks to determine the possibilities and limits with these incipient technologies, to separate fantasy from reality and technology from exploration, and thus prevent Silicon Valley from redefining and stipulating what work is.

Słowa kluczowe
Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa, Big Data, Sharing Economy, sztuczna inteligencja