Prawo Nowych Technologii

no. 2/2024

Liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence and the principle of fault and risk

DOI: 10.32027/PNT.24.2.5
Anna Wilk
Dr hab. prof. AWSB. Autorka jest doktorem habilitowanym nauk prawnych, profesorem Akademii WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej oraz radcą prawnym. Specjalizuje się w prawie cywilnym, w tym zwłaszcza prawie zobowiązań oraz prawie rzeczowym

The article discusses the issue of liability for damage caused by artificial intelligence in the context of the traditional principles of liability for damages - fault and risk. The Author analyses the provisions of Polish law that could potentially be applicable in relation to this liability, although the article also discusses EU harmonization projects and the solutions adopted therein. These reflections lead to the conclusion that the principle of risk should be the basic principle of liability, though its current form would require modification.

artificial intelligence, liability, fault, risk, damage