Prawo Nowych Technologii

no. 3/2023

A streaming platform as a multi-intermediary services platform

DOI: 10.32027/PNT.23.3-4.7
Dominik Gabor
The author is a J.D. candidate in the Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice and an Associate in Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy Sp.j.

Streaming platforms are prevalent on the internet. The full entry into force of the Digital Services Act will affect the situation of digital platforms. It is paramount to define the intermediary services performed within the platform to match the responsibilities of the platform provider. In this article, I present a definition of intermediary services, including mere conduit, hosting, and online platform. I then analyze the operating rules of a streaming platform. By matching the definition of intermediary services and the operating rules of streaming platforms, I determine that a streaming platform is a multi-intermediary services platform.

streaming platform, intermediary services platform, mere conduit, caching, hosting