current issue

Monitor Prawa Handlowego

no. 4/2022

Liability for damages to indirectly harmed shareholders of a company - general rules and the new regulation of the holding law

Filip Sobociński
Autor jest aplikantem radcowskim przy Okręgowej Izbie Radców Prawnych w Warszawie; ORCID: 0000-0003-3635-6650.

The purpose of this article is to assess the impact of the new regulation of Art. 2113 of the Commercial Companies Code (introduced under the so-called holding law) on the statutory model of compensation for indirectly caused damage (in this case - to the shareholders of subsidiary companies), taking into account divergences present in the doctrine and jurisprudence concerning admissibility of claiming redress for this type of damage.

liability for damages, holding law, group of companies, binding instructions, indirect damages