Monitor Prawa Pracy

About the journal

Monitor the pages of the most prominent representatives of the Labour Law doctrine - participating in the creation of new laws, people with ministries and labor inspectorates responsible for their implementation, as well as practitioners - lawyers and legal advisers, discussing the most current issues.

For the most outstanding representatives of the monthly magazine doctrine - participating in the creation of new legal solutions, people with ministries and labor inspectorates responsible for their implementation, as well as practitioners - lawyers and legal advisers, discussing the most current issues.

At the date these changes in the law, current opinions on problematic issues , vast sections of predicative make the "Monitor Labour Law" becomes a practical and useful tool in their daily work.

Labour Law Monitor (ISSN – 1731-8165) is a monthly magazine that has been published since 2004.


  • CHANGES - the latest ruling, together with the written from the courtroom verbal justification, discuss new legislation;
  • ESSAYS and OPINIONS - articles on current, problematic issues of labor law and social security;
  • PRACTICE - essential in the daily work contracts and letters, along with explanations, the current review of the magazines and the ratios and rates;
    • Case-law of the Supreme Court - most recent and most important resolutions and judgments of the Chamber of Labour and Social Security, with full justifications.
    • Case-law of the European Court of Justice - a collection of specially selected essential to the practice of the Court's judgments.