Monitor Prawniczy

no. 2/2019

Let us hurry to love companies as they pass on so quickly – some reflections on the regulation of the company of the future

DOI: 10.32027/MOP.19.2.4
Michał Romanowski
Profesor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, członek Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Cywilnego, przewodniczący zespołu problemowego KKPC ds. implementacji dyrektywy o prawach akcjonariuszy, wspólnik w Kancelarii "Romanowski i Wspólnicy".

The reflections concern future regulation of companies law. The future regulation of companies law shall determine the company of the future As an institution – regardless of all controversies – a company is key to business. Its usefulness depends on the method of regulation based on a recognition why companies are so important for people. The future regulation should be expected to apply the functional criterion, i.e. identification of closed, open and semi-open companies rather than concentrating on spot changes in the already functioning types of companies. Companies law should be functionally flexible and technologically neutral. Companies law is non-positivist.