Monitor Prawniczy

no. 2/2019

Rembrandt or…? The forthcoming future development of copyright law

DOI: 10.32027/MOP.19.2.3
Wojciech Machała

The article reflects on possible development of copyright law in the years to come. There seems to be a major challenge for the existing copyright paradigms: so-called strong artificial intelligence (SAI) capable of making its own creative choices. Practical problems arising from granting (or refusing) copyright to SAI may – in the worst-case-scenario – lead to extinction of copyright law (since it will no longer be an effective instrument of regulation). If it does not happen, it seems probable that in the next few years lawyers will continue to argue on issues which have been problematic for at least twenty years (law applicable to Internet infringements, online exhaustion of copyright, remedies in infringement cases). So far, these analyses and arguments have not led to satisfactory solutions.