Monitor Prawniczy

no. 14/2017

Doctor’s personal rights on an Internet forum. Selected issues

Aleksandra Bagieńska-Masiota
Wydział Psychologii i Prawa Uniwersytetu SWPS w Poznaniu Prawnik. Politolog. Specjalizuje się w tematyce prawa autorskiego oraz dóbr osobistych. Zajmuje się również prawem mediów oraz prawem politycznym.

Th e criteria of objective judgment of infringement of doctor’s personal rights, i.e. reputation and dignity, should also be applied to infringement of such rights on Internet forums. Th e requirement for using the defence under Art. 24 of the Polish Civil Code following publication of opinions concerning the doctor’s work on an Internet forum is that such publication contains defamatory or off ensive statements against the person seeking legal protection and information that makes the addressee of the publication easily identifi able. In the context of the functioning of Internet forums, illegality might be invalidated, under certain conditions, by the fact that it is justifi ed criticism off ered by a forum user. Sett ing the limits is the duty of the court which deals with a given case, although it can be pointed out in advance that justifi ed criticism must meet the rules of social interaction, have a social objective, be professional and honest. Th e special language of communication on Internet forums as well as the fact that a doctor may be considered to act as a public servant are circumstances which allow the court to disregard illegality of infringement of personal rights.