Prawo Zamówień Publicznych
nr 2/2023
A few introductory remarks on the Danish public procurement market
Associate Professor at the Centre for Private Governance (CEPRI) Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Visiting Scholar University of Western Australia, School of Law.
Associate Professor, University of Silesia in Katowice and Senior Researcher at the Centre for Private Governance (CEPRI) Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Denmark perceives public procurement not merely as an administrative function of distributing public funds, but as a strategic mechanism that fosters sustainability, social equity, and innovation. The cooperation between the public and private sectors is underpinned by mutual trust, public interest, and a steadfast commitment to eradicating any form of corruption. Thus, the Danish market serves as a formidable platform for Danish companies to cultivate competitive advantages on the EU and global markets.
Słowa kluczowe
Dania, zamówienia publiczne, efektywność, umowy, przeciwdziałanie korupcji