Monitor Prawa Pracy

nr 10/2019

Labour law’s challenges in a tight labour market – experiences from Hungary. Part 2

DOI: 10.32027/MOPR.19.10.3
Szilvia Halmos
Labour Law Department, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Gábor Kártyás
Associate Professor, Labour Law Department, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest.

This study summarises some key parts and findings of an extensive research of labour shortage in the Hungarian labour market from the perspective of labour law in 2018.
Authors give a short description of the applied methodology in terms of recording of the interviews. They summarise theirs findings on the main forms of manifestation, causes and consequences of labour shortage. Further they describe the experiences of employers concerning their struggles against detrimental effects of labour shortage, and assess the compliance of these actions with labour law.