The aim of the article is to show how collective labor disputes are resolved throughmediation. It should be emphasized that the provisions regulating this matter are outdated and require changes on many levels. First of all, the form of entry on the list of mediators should be changed in such a way that the decision would be made by the minister competent for labor matters. Maintaining and updating the list of mediators would also be the responsibility of the minister of labor. It would be advisable to provide the minister responsible for labor matters with the competence to enter and remove the mediator from the list. At present, the minister does not have such competence. Secondly, the provisions on mediators’ remuneration for individual days should be changed. They should not be set in relation to the day of mediation, but take into account the time and nature of the mediator’s work. Third, in unregulated matters, reference should be made to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. According to the author, it is necessary to repeal the existing regulations and adopt new regulations that would be better adapted to the current legal realities. Słowa kluczowe: mediacja – prawo pracy – spory zbiorowe – związki zawodowe – przedsiębiorcy Keywords: mediation – labor law – collective disputes – trade unions – entrepreneurs
Jednym z zasadniczych celów wprowadzenia mediacji w przypadku sporów zbiorowych prawa pracy jest polubowne rozpatrzenie sprawy. Jednakże samym problemem praktycznym jest także powołanie mediatora w sporach zbiorowych prawa pracy. Celem artykułu jest ocena obecnych rozwiązań dotyczących powołania mediatora w sporach zbiorowych prawa pracy, przedstawienie problematyki wynagrodzeń oraz co istotne przedstawienie postulatów de lege ferenda w tej sprawie.