Monitor Podatkowy

no. 4/2023

Taxation and contributions in a simple joint-stock company

Krystian Czarny
Autor jest doktorem, adiunktem na Uniwersytetecie Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, na Wydziale Prawa i Nauk Społecznych Instytutu Nauk Prawnych. Managerem w Departamencie prawno-podatkowym, UHY ECA.

The inclusion of a new form of doing business, which is a simple joint-stock company, into the Polish legal order has its consequences in terms of tax law and social security law. The study presents the rules of taxation of income obtained by a simple joint-stock company and the rules of taxation of persons functioning in the company, as well as the rules of covering them with social insurance and health insurance.

entrepreneurs simple joint-stock company social insurance social security contributions taxation